The Myers Cocktail is an infusion of multiple vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. It was originally developed by Dr. Myers to treat symptoms of chronic medical conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and migraine.
The reason Myers’ Cocktails work is because of the effective combination of ingredients inside. The Med Spot uses a complex mixture of ingredients to form a powerful result. By increasing the blood concentration of essential minerals and vitamins, you’ll get far greater results than you would from taking oral supplements.
Vitamin C has plenty of antioxidant properties that help to reduce inflammation, infection and irritation, helping you ward off any illnesses. Magnesium — used in DNA replication, RNA transcription and protein translation — helps maintain muscle and nerve function as well as keeps your immune system strong and your heartbeat regulated.
B12 and B complex vitamins help speed your metabolism and alleviate symptoms of fatigue, giving you the energy kick you need. Your energy boost could last up to several weeks, with the potential for improved immune system response and decreased chronic pain.
IV Fluids,
Click here to learn more about these ingredients
Lipo-c, Glutathione
• Helps alleviate stress
• Improves immunity
• Restores balance
• Provides hydration
• Helps reduce migraines
• Reduces chronic pain
Between hangovers, head colds, fatigue and athletic recovery, there are plenty of occasions to give our bodies a little extra care and attention. Packed full of necessary nutrients and vitamins, a Myers’ Cocktail can help you enjoy the following health benefits:
• Refreshing full-body hydration
• Boost of necessary vitamins and nutrients
• Rejuvenating increase in your energy levels
• Reduce stress, anxiety and tiredness
• Improve mood
• Alleviate chronic symptoms like inflammation, migraines and cramps
• Strengthen immune system
• Restore balance in your body
• Helps mitigate the effects of seasonal allergies
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